Standard Wish Nomination

Do you know of a senior age 65+ that has a challenge to overcome, needs to turn hopelessness into hope or is facing a trial that they cannot overcome on their own? If so, we may be able to grant them a wish. 

Recipient Criteria:
  • Recipient must be at least 65 years old and reside in Placer County, Wheatland or Citrus Heights.
  • Recipient has limitations (financial, knowledge, physical, logistical or emotional), which limits their positive outlook on life.
  • Recipient (or caregivers) have already pursued other resources and/or options, and needs cannot be met on their own.

Wish Criteria:

  • Wishes will focus on experiences and gifts that meet specific needs. Cash donations will not be granted, however gift cards or assisting with a bill may be considered. 
  • Wishes for cars or housing will not be granted, however, minor repairs for these categories may be considered (no structural repairs or remodels). 
  • Wishes will not include any dental or medical procedures.  
  • Wishes will not include any treatment or care for animals. 
  • Wishes are a one time gift (non recurring).
  • Final consideration will be placed on how this wish would benefit the recipient.

If you know of someone that could benefit from a wish and meets the criteria listed above, use this form to nominate them for a wish. Your information will be reviewed by our wish granting team and you will be contacted for the next steps. Not all wishes will be feasible and it may take several months for a wish to be granted so if possible, please do not tell the nominee that you have nominated them for a wish. We don’t want to get their hopes up and cause any disappointment. Completion of this form does not guarantee that a wish will be granted.